Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Emergency Team to the Rescue!

This is “Lady”, a boxer mix, who came into the hospital with hives (bumps) all over her body after she developed an allergic reaction to something she came in contact with. This a fairly common problem that often also involves swelling around the eyes and face, and we usually see at least a few cases a month. 

What causes an allergic reaction? Sometimes it is a vaccine. Other times it is a bug bite or bee sting, or possibly something ingested. However, many times we don't know the culprit. When such signs occur, oral antihistamines can sometimes help, but it is best to have your pet evaluated by a veterinarian. Over-the-counter medications aren't always enough to counteract the reaction, and in rare cases the swelling can become life-threatening. Luckily, Lady responded very well to the treatment, her hives went away, and she could go back to spending time with her family that same night.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Cats and Acupuncture

Although acupuncture can be used on most animals, and we are happy to provide this newly popular service to any pet in need at NorthPaws (even a guinea pig!), it seems that our most common patients are dogs. Therefore, when we get the opportunity to use acupuncture on cats, it is a special treat. 

Meet Hunter – the first acupuncture cat at NorthPaws!  Hunter presented with some nasal discharge and early signs of kidney disease. After three sessions of acupuncture, he is proving to be one of the friendliest, easiest, and best patients yet and is responding very well to his weekly treatments.  Way to go Hunter!! You show those dogs how it’s done!